Dear past and current subscribers of,

I am sending this email to inform you that new data collections for the database has been indefinitely suspended.

Over the last 12 years, it's been a pleasure to work on the system. But the zeal to keep playing the "cat and mouse" game with eBay and upgrading my local storage systems is just not there any more.

I am very well, but my life is very different than it was when I started. Work is busy, the kids are great, but professionally and personally my interests and priorities have changed. Please accept my heartfelt "THANK YOU" to everyone who has subscribed and supported this site along the way. A 12 year run is pretty good for anything, particularly on the Internet. So I am at peace.

I won't promise to resume collection operations, but I will promise keep the current site and database functioning. And who knows, maybe I will get the interest again - gotta leave an opening for a sequel! Or maybe it'd be a trilogy, if anyone remembers my first site,!

In summary:

I am confident the millions of auctions and many terabytes of images will remain useful for years to come. So I am keeping the site open to new subscriptions. However, I may end up offering membership as a one time annual purchase in the future.

As time permits, I will make more and more data available in static form on I want to make sure the data is available to the hobby for a long time to come, even if I end up just dumping the very large database somewhere for the next generation to pick up and run with.

May God Bless you and Mary keep you.

WWW && YiS,
Brett Estrade